19 results

  • 63mm cupboard lock - polished brass

    Light duty cupboard knob suitable for cupboard doors
  • Striking plate

    For use with locks as listed below: 4003 4006 4010 4046 4106 4110 4137 4143 4146 4147 4348
  • Cylinder cut till lock

    For wooden drawers or tills. To suit drawers or tills up to 23mm material thickness.
  • Cylinder cut till lock

    For wooden drawers or tills. To suit drawers or tills up to 23mm material thickness.
  • Cylinder cupboard lock

    For wooden doors hinged on the left or right. To suit doors 12. 5mm material thicknessSuitable for hinged cupboard doors.
  • Cylinder cupboard lock

    For wooden doors hinged on the left or right. To suit doors 12. 5mm material thicknessSuitable for hinged cupboard doors.
  • 4110 cylinder cupboard lock - polished brass

    Cylinder cupboard lock for wooden doors hinged on the left or right.

    To suit doors 26.5mm material thickness.

    Supplied with 53028 cylinder rose.

    Case Size: 44.5mm (1.75”)

    Cylinder Projection: 27mm

    Case: Brass, sanded

    Cap: Brass

    Striking Plate: Supplied separately

    Deadbolt: Brass

    Cylinder Type: Brass, 5­ pin tumbler mechanism

    Keying Groups: May be supplied standard differ, keyed alike, keyed to pass or masterkeyed

    Finish: PL ­- Polished Brass, SC - Satin Chrome
  • 4137 cylinder cut cupboard/drawer lock - polished brass

    For wooden doors or drawers.

    To suit doors or drawers up to 23mm material thickness.

    Case size: 51mm (2”) or 63.5mm (2.5”)

    Cylinder Projection: 26.5mm

    Case: Zinc, gold enamel

    Cap: Steel, zinc plated

    Striking Plate: Supplied separately.  See separate page 

    Deadbolt: Zinc, brass plated

    Cylinder Type: Zinc, with brass cap. 

    Finish: PL - Polished Brass, SC ­- Satin Chrome

  • Cylinder cut cupboard/drawer lock

    For wooden doors or drawers. To suit doors or drawers up to 23mm material thickness.
  • Cylinder cut cupboard/drawer lock

    For wooden doors or drawers. To suit doors or drawers up to 23mm material thickness.
  • 4138 cylinder cut cupboard/till lock - polished brass

    For wooden doors, tills or drawers.

    To suit doors or drawers up to 23mm material thickness.

    Case Size: 51mm (2”) or 63.5mm (2.5”)

    Cylinder Projection: 26.5mm

    Case: Zinc, gold enamel

    Cap: Steel, zinc plated

    Striking Plate: Brass, 4138­10, See separate page 

    Deadbolt: Zinc, brass plated

    Cylinder Type: Zinc, with brass cap.

    Key Blank Number: KB11­534­55

    Finish: PL ­- Polished Brass, SC ­- Satin Chrome
Showing 12 of 19