3 results

  • Jigtech CE SmartBolt

    Jigtech smartbolt is suitable for bathroom doors, but should be used in conjunction with Jigtech fast fit bathroom turn and release set. Supplied with a 5mm spindle.
  • Jigtech CE SmartLatch

    Jigtech CE smartlatch for use with the Jigtech system. Saves installer time in comparison to a rectangular faceplate. Compatible with Jigtech premium fire rated handles. Can be used on both fire and non fire doors. Additional 34mm spade bit (JTA5003-F) is needed for install of circular keep.
  • Jigtech privacy SmartLatch

    Jigtech smart privacy latch is an ideal alternative to a bathroom lock, the push button privacy is quick to install and allows for emergency unlocking through the external rose operating a concealed push button. It is supplied with both a round and rectangular strike palte and dust box. Available in multiple finishes.
Showing 3 of 3