If you’re a locksmith, then you may be missing out on valuable revenue opportunities, due to a misconception that replacement keys cannot be cut for many popular UNION cylinders.
Many are under the false assumption that 112A profile key blanks for UNION differ cylinder ranges cannot be purchased or reproduced.
This is largely because many locksmiths understand key blanks, such as our 112A profile, feature patent protection, and there is a misunderstanding that replacement key blanks cannot be purchased or copied. But this patent protection is designed to maintain key cutting with you, our loyal locksmith professionals, and make sure that end users only use genuine UNION key blanks.
So, independent locksmith and key cutting professionals can seize additional business opportunities by cutting new keys from blanks for a range of popular UNION cylinders, such as the 112A profile, which is available from most major wholesalers.
Blanks for these cylinders can also be ordered from us directly and we’ll send them to you immediately, meaning you can provide additional customer services, quickly and easily.
“There is a belief that the keys for some of our popular cylinders, such as the J-U6P series, can’t be reproduced by independent locksmiths or key cutters, but this is not the case,” says Craig Birch, Product Category Manager at UNION.
“In fact, blank keys for all cylinders – except for keyPRIME and keyULTRA – can be ordered by any locksmith or high street key cutter direct from UNION, with supply being turned round in as little as 24 hours.”