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If you’re looking for product information, fitting instructions or fitting templates, then all of these can be found on the relevant product pages.
If you do need to get in touch with us, though, then we’d be more than happy to help.

One app for all your needs

Get in touch with our technical support team while on the go with our app. Featuring live chat and video, questions can be answered quickly, and issues resolved fast. Should you need out-of-hours support, you can take a photo and attach it to emails for easier troubleshooting. Download on the  App Store Get it on  Google Play

Get in touch

Customer care opening hours:

Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm, and Friday 8.30am - 4:30pm.

Technical support opening hours:

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, and Friday 8.30am - 4:30pm.


Telephone: 0845 223 2124

Enquires:  csdcomm@assaabloy.com

Orders:  csdorders@assaabloy.com

Prefer to wait? Fill out our contact form here.

As well as thousands of products, covering everything you need to go on a door, our brochure includes useful tips and product guidance.